The official bit…
Here you will find formal documentation about Ensign. This details our finances and everything we do to maintain high quality governance and investment practices on behalf of our members.
Annual Report
The Annual Report and Financial Statements is a comprehensive report on Ensign’s activities throughout the previous year. It gives information about Ensign’s actions and financial performance.
Chair’s Governance Statement
Ensign’s trustees are required to produce a statement each year to demonstrate and explain how we meet standards of governance and administration that help deliver better outcomes for members at retirement. The Chair’s Governance Statement also includes information about the member costs and charges associated with Ensign, however, for the most up to date information, members may view the costs and charges on TargetPlan.
Master Trust Assurance Report
Ensign has obtained Master Trust Assurance. This means that Ensign has been subject to an independent review of its practices against prescribed control objectives and that it demonstrates high-quality governance and administration.
Statement of Investment Principles (SIP)
A SIP is a written statement that governs decisions about the investments for occupational pension schemes, such as Ensign. The Trustee Board prepares, maintains and updates the SIP. The SIP is reviewed every three years or after any significant change in investment policy.
Trust Deed and Rules
The Trust Deed and Rules set out the Trustee Board’s powers and the procedures trustees must follow. The Trust Deed is a legal document that sets up and governs the scheme. The Rules set out more detailed conditions, for example, the benefits that will be provided.
Implementation Statement
The Implementation Statement is a document produced by the Trustee in line with Trustee disclosure requirement which describes how, and to what extent, the Trustee has followed the principles and policies set out in its Statement of Investment Principles during the year ended 31 March 2022. It includes information about voting and engagement carried out during the year by investment managers of the funds available to Ensign members.
Climate-Change Disclosures
This report is the first report required under the Occupational Pension Schemes (Climate Change Governance and Reporting) Regulations 2021 for the Ensign Retirement Plan (“Ensign”). These regulations introduced requirements relating to Ensign’s governance of climate-change in its investments and are based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The TCFD was set up in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (an international body promoting financial stability) to improve climate-related financial disclosures.

All members and their benefits in Ensign were transferred to Smart Pension on 7 June 2023 and Ensign was subsequently wound up on 26 September 2023.
If you think you (or a family member) previously had defined contribution savings in Ensign before 7 June 2023, please contact Aegon.